Ladybug Spherical Cameras Sample Files Download

We have made a selection of sample data available for download from our website. These data sets cover a wide range of environments, lighting conditions, and movement speeds, and are designed to demonstrate the performance and image quality of Ladybug-based systems. Each data set includes full-size panoramic images, 4K videos, and PGR stream captures (native Ladybug format). Some data sets were acquired using both Ladybug6 and Ladybug5+ systems. To view the Ladybug6 PGR stream data, you will need to have Ladybug SDK version 1.18 or higher.
Below, you can view sample images and download image and video files. Stream files are available to download through the form on the right.
If you have further questions or would like to offer feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Visit the Ladybug 6 Product Page to learn more.
Learn more about spherical cameras.
We have made a selection of sample data available for download from our website. These data sets cover a wide range of environments, lighting conditions, and movement speeds, and are designed to demonstrate the performance and image quality of Ladybug-based systems. Each data set includes full-size panoramic images, 4K videos, and PGR stream captures (native Ladybug format). Some data sets were acquired using both Ladybug6 and Ladybug5+ systems. To view the Ladybug6 PGR stream data, you will need to have Ladybug SDK version 1.18 or higher.
Below, you can view sample images and download image and video files. Stream files are available to download through the form on the right.
If you have further questions or would like to offer feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Visit the Ladybug 6 Product Page to learn more.
Learn more about spherical cameras.
Image and Video Downloads
Apartments: Images | Video (~70 MB | ~55 MB)

Description: Apartment buildings in mid-afternoon sun. Contrasting light conditions in residential area with multiple block patterns. Excellent example of image stitching.
Captured @ 5 FPS while travelling at up to 40 km/h (4K video rendered @ 10 FPS).
Canada Place: Images | Video (~66 MB | ~218 MB)

Description: Tall city towers in evening contrasting light conditions.
Captured @ 15 FPS while travelling at up to 35 km/h (4K video rendered @ 15 FPS).
City Intersection: Images | Video (~192 MB | ~348 MB)

Description: City intersections - one bathed in bright sunlight with a diamond corner building and another predominantly in shaded lighting conditions - with overhead late afternoon sun.
Captured @ 15 FPS while travelling at up to 40 km/h (4K video rendered @ 15 FPS).
Note: Ladybug5+ and Ladybug6 content acquired simultaneously.
Highway: Images | Video (~66 MB | ~53 MB)

Description: Highway speed capture in mid-afternoon sun with overpass signage and moving vehicles.
Captured @ 5 FPS while travelling at up to 100 km/h (4K video rendered @ 15 FPS).
South Terminal: Images | Video (~195 MB | ~434 MB)

Description: Airport sea and land terminal entrance and parking areas in mid-afternoon sun.
Good example of road surface with cracks and patches.
Captured @ 5 FPS while travelling at up to 40 km/h (4K video rendered @ 10 FPS).
Note: Ladybug5+ and Ladybug6 content acquired simultaneously.
Steam Clock: Images | Video (~73 MB | ~95 MB)

Description: Old town city blocks in evening shade lighting. Excellent example of image stitching with scenes in varied lighting conditions.
Captured @ 15 FPS while travelling at up to 30 km/h (4K video rendered @ 15 FPS).
Tunnel Exit: Images | Video (~73 MB | ~114 MB)

Description: Southbound exit from tunnel into mid-day sun.
Captured at 15 FPS while travelling at up to 100 km/h (4K video rendered @ 15 FPS).
Note: Ladybug5+ and Ladybug6 content acquired simultaneously.
Utility Asset: Images | Video (~82 MB | ~90 MB)

Description: Utility box with labels and identifiers.
Excellent example of alpha-numeric character resolution.
Captured @ 15 FPS while travelling at up to 50 km/h (4K video rendered @ 15 FPS).
Single sensor image example available for download.
Note: Ladybug5+ and Ladybug6 content acquired simultaneously.
Village Afternoon: Images | Video (~118 MB | ~330 MB)

Description: Village traversal in late afternoon sun.
Captured @ 15 FPS while travelling at up to 40 km/h (4K video rendered @ 15 FPS).
Single sensor image example available for download.
Note: Ladybug5+ and Ladybug6 content acquired simultaneously.